Celebrating Six Years of Investigative Journalism in Vermont
VTDigger is a nonprofit online news daily dedicated to public-service journalism. It covers Vermont politics, consumer affairs, business, education, energy, the environment, and other matters of public concern.
Founded in 2009 and merging with the Vermont Journalism Trust in 2011, it became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of VTDigger is to produce rigorous journalism that explains complex issues, holds the government accountable to the public, and engages Vermonters in the democratic process.
VTDIGGER.ORG currently publishes new content six days a week, Monday through Saturday. In 2015, they had an average of just over 130,000 unique or individual readers visiting the site each month and their page views exceeded 600,000 a month.
In July 2015, VTDigger was named one of the top 10 most promising local online-only news sites nationally because of its underwriting support and sustainable giving from its readers.
The annual highlights some of their top stories and calls out important milestones they have achieved over the last six years. Two versions were produced – an online interactive “long version,” which also included the full listing of their donors, and a “short version” that was printed traditionally and mailed out.
- Hermes Creative Awards [Gold]