Anchorage, AK – The Alaska legislature is considering a bill that would designate August 10 “Alaska Wild Salmon Day,” celebrating Alaskans’ love of this vital sustainable resource and recognizing its deep connection to Alaska’s people and culture.
The Salmon Project realized that the idea of an official Alaska Wild Salmon Day synced beautifully with what they’ve learned about Alaskans and their love of salmon, and decided to celebrate the day even without the official recognition. They asked Mad Dog Seattle’s Kris Ryan-Clarke to create graphics promoting the effort. Kris created two versions, one celebrating wild salmon and a second celebrating Alaskans’ “Salmon Love.”
Kris Ryan-Clarke created these graphics for The Salmon Project to promote awareness of Alaska Wild Salmon Day.
#SalmonLove images shared with The Salmon Project on Instagram and Facebook. (Images courtesy and © [left to right] (1) sitkawild, (2) aksalmonsisters).
The Salmon Project used the graphics to invite their Facebook fans to submit photos of their own salmon adventures, using hashtags like #SalmonLove, #AlaskaWildSalmonDay, and #MyAKSalmonDay.
#SalmonLove images shared with The Salmon Project on Instagram and Facebook. (Images courtesy and © [left to right] (1) bctennyson, (2) alaskastems, (3) _pocahotsauce_).
#SalmonLove images shared with The Salmon Project on Instagram and Facebook. (Images courtesy and © [left to right] (1) datgrantguy, (2) hagephoto, (3) aksalmonsisters).
“Arguably, no other fish plays such a prominent role in Alaskans’ lives,” said State Rep. Bryce Edgmon, D-Dillingham, who introduced HB128 – the bill that would make Alaska Wild Salmon Day official. “I think people everywhere in the state will enjoy celebrating that.
“This fish is woven into the very fabric of most Alaskans’ lives. Subsistence or personal use fishers put up salmon to nourish their families throughout the year. Recreational fishers go after salmon as a way like no other to enjoy our bays, rivers and lakes. Commercial salmon fishers have been major contributors to our coastal economies for more than 100 years.”
#SalmonLove images shared with The Salmon Project on Instagram and Facebook. (Images courtesy and © [left to right] (1) wilderphoto, (2) sew_christy).
Establishing Alaska Wild Salmon Day also includes a practical side. “Before introducing this bill, I consulted with people involved in Alaska seafood marketing, restaurant and tourism industries and representatives from Alaska Airlines,” said Edgmon. “They all agreed that Alaska Wild Salmon Day can create endless opportunities to make salmon lovers of countless visitors to Alaska.”
Alaska’s House of Representatives has already approved the bill, and it’s now up to the Senate to pass the bill into law. The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute has written in support of HB128, as have the United Fishermen of Alaska and the Alaska Trollers Association.
#SalmonLove images shared with The Salmon Project on Instagram and Facebook. (Images courtesy and © [left to right] (1) grundensusa, (2) ak_aviatrix, (3) kendallplaysxo).
Erin Harrington, executive director for The Salmon Project, added, “Official action or none, we knew Alaskans would love a special day to highlight how salmon fits in their lives. Creating the Alaska Wild Salmon Day graphic was a great way to let individuals and organizations share the love. We relish every opportunity to celebrate the story of Alaskans and our salmon.”